

The Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER) is an academic research centre located at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Employment Mapping GroupThe Institute unites researchers from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds, including Anthropology, Gender Studies, Indigenous Studies, Economics, Education,Health Studies, Human Geography, Nursing, Social Work and Sociology.

Sharing a commitment to research that supports diversity, equity, and social justice, the Institute facilitates the participation of community members, organizations,students, and academics as co-researchers. ICER is a hub for building relationships, collaboration, and effective knowledge creation and exchange.

It’s a unique model for interdisciplinary research, designed to create and take advantage of moments of serendipity. The free association of ideas from across traditional disciplinary, and university / community boundaries may seem odd in an academic setting, but it provides invaluable experiences and opportunities for all the participants.


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